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Margaret Mead |
♥The DREAM Act, We Won't Give Up♥
Kids.gov Links To Government And Other Kid's Sites
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Official United States Visa Information Source
iAmerica a national campaign driven by diverse organizations, created to offer informational tools and interactive opportunities for immigrants and their families to become full participants in our nation’s democracy.
The National Immigration Legal Services Directory Use the options, to search for immigration legal services providers by state, county, or zip code. Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included.
What You Need To Know About Executive Action On Immigration. Senator Robert Menendez Also En Español
Becoming A US Citizen
Immigration Stories
Immigration Advocates Network
National Immigration Forum Advancing Policies To Help Immigrants Become Citizens And Succeed.
#Bring Them Home / The National Immigrant Youth Alliance All 1.7 million deported deserve to come home to their families. If you want to come home and you are a Dreamer (came to the U.S. before the age of 16) or a parent then please contact The National Immigrant Youth Alliance.
The DREAM Act Portal
DreamACTivist.org Undocumented Students Action And Resource Network
DREAM Act / Wikipedia
Tell Congress, It’s Time To Pass The DREAM Act! Contact Government
The bill was first introduced in the Senate on August 1, 2001, S. 1291 by Dick Durbin and Orrin Hatch,[1] and has since been reintroduced several times (see legislative history) but has failed to pass.
Points You Can Make About the DREAM Act
The DREAM Act, is bipartisan legislation.
To move from being undocumented to being a US citizen, those eligible will have to pass background checks and be of good moral character, graduate from high school, and go on to complete additional requirements related to attending college or completing military service.
The DREAM Act is supported by 70 percent of likely voters and by leaders in education, the military, business and religious orders.
A national poll of 1,008 adults, shows that support cuts across regional and party lines with 70 percent overall support.
University presidents and educational associations, as well as military recruiters, business and religious leaders have called on Congress to pass the DREAM Act.
The DREAM Act is a great return on money we have already invested and will prepare the country for the global economy.
The students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the US State and local taxpayers have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school. America deserves a return on their investment.
Leading businesses such as Microsoft have endorsed the DREAM Act because they recognize that our broken immigration system is draining our economy of the talent and resources needed to compete in the global economy.
The DREAM Act promises to dramatically increase the pool of highly qualified recruits for the US Armed Forces.
There is a strong tradition of military service in immigrant families, but the lack of immigration status prevents many of those who wish to serve from enlisting.
Passage of the DREAM Act will increases revenues in our communities.
Enabling 800,000 immigrant students access to higher education would go a long way in inspiring other immigrant youth to strive for a college education. This will help boost the number of high skilled American-raised workers. As they take their place as hard working, taxpaying Americans, they will contribute a lifetime of revenues at the local, state and federal level.
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
103 Orchard Street
New York NY 10002
Tel 212-982-8420
Computers for Learning
Program Description
Get gently used computers for your school or 501(c) non-profit from the gov't.
Computers for Learning Eligibility
Schools/Educational Nonprofits
The CFL program assists federal agencies to meet the requirements of Executive Order (EO) 12999, "Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children in the Next Century".
The EO directs agencies, to the extent permitted by law, to give highest preference to schools and nonprofit organizations, including community-based educational organizations, (schools and educational nonprofit organizations) with the transfer, through gift or donation, of computers and related peripheral equipment excess to their needs.
♥We Are All The Children Of Immigrants♥ Including those in Congress.
Obviously; if one is not a Native American, their ancestors were immigrants at one time or another. Stop being stupid Congress. Pass The Dream Act And Also, Reform Immigration Now!
My Father's Family came from Russia and Latvia.
My Grandfather Nathan, traveled all the way from Russia by himself as a teenager. He had a Brother, who already lived in Connecticut.
My Grandmother Sarah; came with her Father, Mother and Sisters from Latvia. Her Father was an Orthodox Rabbi.
I know they arrived in America before 1888; because my Grandmother Sarah and Nathan were married and their oldest child Florence, my Father's Sister, was born during one of the great blizzards 1881 or 1888.
The Great Blizzard of 1888 photos
Blizzard of 1888 wikipedia
My Father was born August 4th 1893. On Grand Street; NYC, (by the Brooklyn Bridge); Manhattan's Lower East Side.
They moved to Bayonne New Jersey, where Sarah's relatives lived when he was 7 yrs old.
He grew up to be a Bayonne Fireman and Bar owner and knew everyone in New York City.
My Father and his Brother Harry, were both in the Navy during WWI.
My Father Sam Atkins Jazz AgeMy Mother's Parent's arrived in America around 1905, from Ireland.
♬Immigration Info; Free US Gov't Links, Irish History, Leprechauns, Music♬
My Grandfather Michael was from the County Clare. He worked on the Central Railroad; (in Jersey City), 100 years ago. Unloading box cars with a big hook. He and his fellow workers, sweltered in the summer and froze in the winter!
Central Railroad of New Jersey
NJ Central Railroad Terminal located at Liberty State Park.
I think Mike's older Sister was already here when he arrived. She did live nearby.
My Grandmother Bridget was from County Offaly. She always told my Mother that we were descended from the Kings and Queens of Ireland. Bridget's Brother, Tim was in the Army in WWI.
My Mother was born on Montgomery Street; in Jersey City (Hudson County), New Jersey in 1909. She was the oldest of 8 children. She started working; running errands for dressmakers, going all the way to New York City. As young as, 11 years old. She had to give her pay to her Mother, but could keep her tips.
Before that; from around age seven, my Mother was expected to run household errands, like go to the stores and carry as much as five pounds worth of sugar, flour and other groceries, home.
Every time I asked for a new pair of shoes; etc, she told me the story of how her Teacher/Nun, gave her a new pair of (ugly) brown shoes and she didn't like the color.
But her father said they were good, strong shoes, and made her wear them anyway.
Or; about the dress, she made from a bathing suit. She had the picture.
Or; if I didn't like some food she served, it was about how her Mother cooked goose every Christmas and she hated goose.
Peace And Justice
Support Dreamers / Support NJ Dreamers
Help For The Okiciyap Community Food Pantry/And A Links "Information-A-Thon" For Everyone.