Saturday, May 7, 2016

Greater Newark/New York Fresh Air Fund Seeks Supporters To Send Children To Summer Camp

July-August Temperature Predictions; In parts of Newark, Essex County, with, heat and humidity, it could feel like 103 degrees!

Greater Newark/New York Fresh Air Fund  

Sign Up Your Child Get An Application 

The Fresh Air Fund-A Breath Of Fresh Air


Fresh Air Fund‎
43 Hill Street
Newark NJ 07102-2649
phone 1 (973) 643-571

The Fresh Air Fund
633 Third Ave 14th Floor,
New York NY 10017
Donate Online

The Newark Day Center, founded in 1803 as the Newark Female Charitable Society, is a multifaceted, innovative, pace-setting community agency serving children, youth, adults and seniors.

The agency has a rich history. Many of the social service agencies in existence today, including the United Way of Essex and West Hudson, the American Red Cross of Newark, the Newark Boys and Girls Scouts, the Conference of Jewish Charities, the Salvation Army and Newark Beth Israel, St. Barnabas and Presbyterian Hospitals, had their origins at Newark Day Center.

As the oldest volunteer social service agency in New Jersey and the third oldest in the nation, the Center stands as a beacon of stability to the community.

Greater Newark Fresh Air Fund: Inner-City Kids, Parents Prepare For Summer Camp Experience

Fresh Air Fund

Newark Day Center Offers Follow-Up Services For Newark Fresh Air Fund Campers

Let's Get As Many Children As Possible A Week Or Two In The Cool Country And Off Those Hot City Streets!

The Newark Youth Leadership Project
The major focus of Greater Newark Conservancy's Job Training Program is the Newark Youth Leadership Project (NYLP).
The NYLP is a year round job and leadership training program which provides Newark, NJ high school and college youth with job training experience, leadership development, and exposure to different career options in environmental and horticultural fields and opportunities for pursuing a college education.

In addition, job training interns are given the chance to participate in outdoor horticultural activities that they would probably never experience otherwise. Through this program the Conservancy seeks to improve conditions in the urban community by increasing employability and earning potential. The year round NYLP has now been in operation for over ten years and has had hundreds Newark youth participants.

Newark Works
The Newark One-Stop Career Center provides employment assistance and a single point of access to services that can help individuals successfully enter or re-enter the workforce. Contact 973-648-7719

The Newark One-Stop Career Center

♥ ♥
Links To Government And Other Kid's Sites
Explore, learn, and have fun!
Peace, Love & Justice

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Totally Free-US Gov't Immigration Info And Cesar Chavez

♥We Are All The Children Of Immigrants♥

US Citizenship And Immigration Services USCIS

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, is the government agency that oversees immigration to the United States.
Green Card And More Info

US Visa Application Forms USCIS Citizenship And Naturalization Based Forms Are Free. Never pay anyone for copies. USCIS forms are always FREE to download, or order by mail or phone at 1-800-870-3676. Avoid immigration services scams.

Directory of Visa Categories

Find Help In Your Community

Inter-Country Adoption Every year; thousands of US citizens, adopt children from abroad and many families from other countries adopt US children.

The National Immigration Forum / Facebook

Please take a moment to call or contact your Elected Officials today. Tell Them, #Not1More Deportation! To Fix Our Broken Immigration System, NowContact Government is a project of NDLON meant to foster collaboration between individuals, organizations, artists, and allies to expose, confront, and overcome unjust immigration laws. Twitter

The DREAM Act Portal


Economic Benefits Of Granting Deferred Action to Unauthorized Immigrants Brought To US As Youth

Dispelling DREAM Act Myths  American Immigration Council

Frequently Asked Questions The Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) The National Immigration Law Center

(DRM) Dream Action Coalition

United We Dream-Facebook  / About United We Dream The largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation.

DREAM Movie-Facebook

What You Need To Know About The President's Plan Executive Action On Immigration. Also En Español

The National Immigration Legal Services Directory  Use the options below to search for immigration legal services providers by state, county, or zip code. Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included. iAmerica a national campaign driven by diverse organizations, created to offer informational tools and interactive opportunities for immigrants and their families to become full participants in our nation’s democracy.

Immigration Advocates Network Advancing Policies To Help Immigrants Become Citizens And Succeed.

Take to the Hills! is a Douglas, Arizona based project that collects clothing, food, water, blankets, building supplies, medical supplies, school supplies and other items then delivers them directly to communities in the Sierra Madres, Sierra Alta, Rio Sonora and other regions of northern Mexico.

Del Cabarga
Program Director
1214 11 Street
Douglas, Az. 85607
(520) 236-4675 Cellular

Peace And Justice